Unlikely Olympian Reveals How to Succeed When the Deck Is Stacked Against You | Devon Harris
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Devon explains how he saw Olympians as average people with extraordinary dreams [2:00]
Devon’s grandmother’s greatest ambition for him was that he would learn to read [4:23]
You can’t allow yourself to settle [5:30]
Devon explains what it means to have a “Keep on Pushing” attitude [6:59]
When Devon competes he is a totally different person [8:02]
Devon advocates living a fulfilled life, a rounded life but he is also absolutely driven [10:41]
Devon talks about how important his family is to him [14:27]
Dreaming is the starting point of all achievement [18:09]
Education gives you confidence, opens doors, and lets you see opportunities [19:27]
Devon explains what it means to walk your own path [21:29]
Why you have to create a new story that you become a character in [22:37]
Devon talks about how he deals with fear [25:03]
Devon has used visualization before he knew what visualization was [28:02]
You can’t quit on the goal, but you sometimes have to quit on the strategy [31:09]
Devon describes the core values he tries to instill in his kids [32:59] QUOTES: “You can’t allow yourself to settle...Stepping out of the environment that you find yourself in to go get that thing across the street that looks so much better, to get a much better life, it’s difficult because you feel so out of place. You feel, almost, not-so-worthy. And you have to convince yourself that you deserve this.” [5:45] “Walk your own path.” [21:32] “I have no idea how I’m going to do it. But I just have to.” [22:59] FOLLOW: WEBSITE: https://devonharris.com/
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