lunes, 5 de abril de 2021

Health Experts on How to Live Longer and Reverse Your Age | Clip Show

Health Experts on How to Live Longer and Reverse Your Age | Clip Show

If you can change your perspective, you can change your life. We'll show you how! Impact Theory University is a living-breathing library of mindset and business lessons and strategies taught by Tom. Learn more here: Living forever may be far fetched and beyond your control now, but science is coming closer to making it easier and more possible to live a longer healthier life. In this episode, find out how to reverse aging, prevent cancer, and delay the aging process with Peter Attia, Mike Mutzel, Jimmy Moore and David Sinclair. Becoming a “kick ass 100 year old” through fitness, body movement, understanding diet and fasting cycles is closer, more practical, achievable and affordable than you may think. SHOW NOTES: Cellular Aging | What the epigenome’s role is in cellular function that contributes to aging [1:40]
DNA Packaging | Making enzymes needed for DNA packaging and repair more active [5:39]
Biological Age | The DNA clock that tells your age and approximate age of death [9:15]
Regulating Aging | Pathways that regulate aging and how Metformin helps create energy [11:42]
Diet & Fasting | Why having variety is best and knowing when too much is too much [14:57]
Fasting | Effective fasting cycles and frequency to get the most benefit [20:24]
Anti-Cancer | Effects of fasting on potential cancer properties and how insulin ties in [30:10]
Fit at 100 | Peter Attia redefines what fitness should look like to be functional in old age [34:36]
Cold Exposure | Why cryotherapy is beneficial and how it builds brown fat [44:03]
Longevity Diet | Mike Mutzel explains why eating the same time everyday is critical [46:55]
Biomarkers | These are some of the biomarkers to pay attention to and why they matter [50:55]
Metformin | Mike explains how this interacts with the microbiome and affects autophagy [55:28]
Methylation Clock | David explains reverse aging is becoming a reality being explored [57:50] “...aging is caused because cells lose their packaging. And then eventually cells lose their identity, disease ensues. Cells check out, they become zombie-like, and then our organs fail and we die.” David Sinclair [4:50] “I think when it’s too much is when it affects your sleep, when it affects your recovery, and your muscle performance. When you start seeing negative side effects. When is it ideal? When you feel good.” Mike Mutzel [18:33]
“ In other words, the worse the diet, the better the benefit of caloric restriction, which points us to this idea that dietary restriction should still always be some component of a healthy nutrition strategy.” Peter Attia [26:17] “I would rather be poor, but know how to [...] live longer, than have all the money in the world and lose my health.” Peter Attia [27:10] “So people start saying, I have MS, I have this, and I think we need to realize that certainly our body can have perturbations, but it doesn't mean you're always going to manifest symptoms of that if you can. The body and the mind and the diet and lifestyle are so powerful.” Mike Mutzel [34:09] “I don't really care so much as what you eat, and how much I want you eating at the same time every day, whatever that is.” Mike Mutzel [47:21] FOLLOW DAVID SINCLAIR:

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