NBA Legend Chris Bosh on Becoming Great and What You Need to Sacrifice | Impact Theory
This episode is sponsored by Blinkist. Go to Try it FREE for 7 days and save 25% off your new subscription. Greatness isn’t for the faint of heart but it is certainly within reach for all that want it. Chris Bosh, a former NBA player drafted in 2003, retired early after a health scare and his story gets so much more interesting from there. We dive into his new book, Letters to a Young Athlete, which is easily an instruction manual for greatness and leadership, to uncover what the process for excellence really looks like at the elite level. It comes down to the “inner game of success” and leaving it all on the table knowing you’ve reached the depths of your existence to give it your all. Order Chris Bosh’s Book, Letters to a Young Athlete: SHOW NOTES:
Self Discovery | Chris on the health issue and the struggles that created his book [1:33]
Talent Isn’t Enough | Chris explains why hard work has to go with talent for greatness [6:27]
The Process | Chris breaks down work ethic and what it takes [7:54]
Empty Light | Chris on giving everything and “scratching the depths of your soul” [9:40]
Beyond Pain | Turning potential into skills and getting through the pain [12:43]
Love It | Chris on loving the game and loving what you do from deep why [17:04]
Blame | Chris talks about how deflecting keeps you from looking within [20:14]
Perseverance | Chris on why not persevering through tough times blocks greatness [22:17]
Miami Heat Dream | Chris recalls the experience of moving to Miami Heat and Season 2 [25:46]
Teamwork | Chris on learning how to sacrifice and doing what’s best for the team [28:36]
Challenges | Chris on finding striving for your goal and finding magic in the hard work [32:13]
Beginner | Chris on being the beginner at music and starting at the bottom in new ways [35:32]
Visualize | Chris shares why visualizing has been key for his success to be self-doubt [38:21]
Confidence | Chris talks about confidence from hard work and rising to the occasion [39:33]
Mind-Body | Chris on using your body & being connected with your mind, staying active [42:13]
Criticism | Chris recalls criticism coming from Toronto and caring what others think [44:56]
Anger | Chris talks about using anger and dark energy to fuel you in a positive way [49:20]
Be Hungry | Chris talks about aspiring and not allowing yourself to be satisfied [51:40] QUOTES:
“in the daily practice of pushing yourself, you have to know how far you can go.” [10:22] “When you're training for those moments, when you hit that wall of being tired, that's when you're starting.” [13:12] “if you externalize, you don't ever look within, and you'll never get to the point where, you know, you're thinking like how can I What could I have done better to ensure that we could have been successful and what will I do better next time, that's the better thought” [21:33] “I thought I knew what pain is when I was working out. I thought I knew what pain is when I thought I was pushing myself.” [26:45] “Sometimes the ego can really, really get in the way of yourself being successful.” [29:18] “Because those days that are hard, those days that suck, that's where the magic is, you go do it, and you get your work in any way.” [32:57] “If someone is feeling frustrated, I say Good, good job, that means you that means you're working, that means you're doing something” [36:46] “When you practice, you have to put yourself in those moments continuously over and over and over, so that when they come, you just do what you've done.” [40:47] “The minute you look and you give it attention, it gets louder” [46:38] “if you want to go after something you have to have that hunger and that fight because that's going to give you that edge to overcome stuff.” Guest Bio: Christopher Wesson Bosh is an American former professional basketball player. A Texas Mr. Basketball in high school, Bosh played one season of college basketball for Georgia Tech before declaring for the 2003 NBA draft. He was selected fourth overall by the Toronto Raptors. Follow Chris Bosh:
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