These "HEALTHY" Foods Are KILLING Your Energy | Dr. Steven Gundry on Healthy Theory
This episode is sponsored by Pique. Go to and use code IMPACT for 5% off sitewide + FREE shipping when you purchase a bundle! The chaos that can get unleashed on your body from your diet is so important to understand. Having low energy and brain fog is not only frustrating but it feels debilitating as well. I've had my own recent experience with low energy that had me questioning if I had lost my drive. Starting with my diet and realizing pecans were causing my energy to feel so low was shocking for me. Dr. Steven Gundry's latest book, The Energy Paradox, reveals what's taking place on a cellular level that was affecting the body's energy. He joins me to unpack how significant gut health is to your immune system and brain. We get into the chaos leaky gut causes and how you can make better choices to restore your energy. Even if you have a healthy diet, Dr. Gundry, a cardiothoracic surgeon, will surprise you. Order Dr. Gundry’s new book, The Energy Paradox: YOUTUBE CHAPTERS SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction to Dr. Gundry
1:11 | What is the energy paradox?
4:36 | Chaos from Leaky Gut
7:21 | Activating Immune System
10:37 | Inevitable Leaky Brain
16:54 | 3 components breaking the gut lining
21:02 | Effect of fat on the gut lining
23:07 | Saturated fats in your diet
24:13 | Carnivore diet & fat
26:37 | Post Biotics from the microbiome
30:28 | How gas signals plaque control in arteries
31:43 | Dr. Gundry starts seeing diet as a cure
36:18 | Mitochondria’s traffic jam of energy
39:45 | Eat for your Microbiome not taste QUOTES:
“believe it or not in the American diet 24 hours a day, we're causing leaky gut we're assaulting our immune system, [...] just from fat, we are just a giant ball of inflammation.” [18:54] “So if we look at energy production, as literally cars moving down through a freeway, it's no wonder that even though we're eating huge amounts of calories, we have no energy because we literally log jam the mitochondria.” [38:29] “You've got to eat for your gut microbiome first, and you have to choose foods that they want to eat. And if you do that, they will take care of you.” [40:09] “We die, we get diseases, by breaks in the wall of our gut that start this process” [41:05] “If you begin to gradually restrict the time you eat down to about six to eight hours a day, you will develop much better functioning mitochondria, you'll actually have a better gut wall because you're not working on digestion. 24 hours a day. And you're gonna protect your brain.” [41:57] Guest Bio: Dr. Steven Gundry is an American doctor and author. He is a former cardiac surgeon and currently runs his own clinic, investigating the impact of diet on health. Gundry conducted cardiac surgery research in the 1990s and was a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery, and is a New York Times best-selling author of The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain. He is best known for his disputed claims that lectins, a type of plant protein found in numerous foods, cause inflammation resulting in many modern diseases.
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