viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2019

Teal Swan's Stance on Suicide

Teal Swan's Stance on Suicide

Many media outlets (as well as the people who read and watch them) have come under the false perception that Teal Swan is encouraging people to commit suicide. This failure to look deeper into Teal Swan's actual message, methodology, processes and content is ironically the very same reason suicidal individuals feel so isolated and emotionally starved by their families and by society at large today. In this episode, Teal Swan clarifies her stance on suicide. Subscribe to Receive a New Video Every Saturday: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of The Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daily Updates, Monthly Online Synchronization Workshops & More: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel Ending Song: Our Game - YAIMA Help us caption & translate this video! Vídeos de Autoayuda y Superación Personal Vídeos de Psicología y Autoayuda
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