martes, 28 de enero de 2020

The Heart of “I AM” The Point of Divine Origin. by Robyn Mary Edwards - 60 sec

The Heart of “I AM” The Point of Divine Origin. by Robyn Mary Edwards - 60 sec

The Heart Of “I AM” The Point Of Divine Origin (Parts One, Two and Three), is an unfolding journey, a study into the path of realization of the Divinity of Mankind. It reveals the secrets of Divinity, the truth within the Self, God made Manifest as the diversity of all life and as your Immortal Being. The Heart Of “I AM” The Point Of Divine Origin (Parts One, Two and Three), is a journey of the soul’s awakening evolution through Resurrection and Ascension. The soul’s journey is taken through Alpha and Omega, the Body and Blood of the Self, as God’s creation. With the remembrance of all aspects of the Self, we become the realization of the prosperity of the Heart, the understanding of the true Self; perfect creations, a manifestation of God’s Heart, as seen through his Mind. This journey is the most comprehensive understanding of Alpha and Omega, starting from the Stargate of Father Mother God, through to the dimensions of Space formed forth as the Body through which the Blood, the knowing of the Self flows as Eternal Light. This unfolding fulfills the revelation of God, that all should know the truth of God. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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