sábado, 18 de enero de 2020

The Seven Angels of Peace by Sarah Anne Barker

The Seven Angels of Peace by Sarah Anne Barker

The 7 Angels of Peace is a living, breathing teaching from the heart. This book lifts the veil on the world of the Essenes and their angels, and the gifts of peace they have to offer us. A complete peace which embraces the seven aspects of our lives; our body and mind, relationships, work, beliefs, the Earth and our Divinity. Sarah Anne Barker brings to life this ancient teaching from the fresh perspective of the angels. As a spiritual teaching which is relevant for the modern world. This teaching is two thousand years old, that of the ancient Essenes and their angels. There have often been teachers of peace, but few have spoken of angels of peace, as the Essenes did. It offers a new vista to the eyes and hearts of those who read it. One of peace, joy and hope for new beginnings. One which empowers us to know we can each make a positive contribution to peace, with the angels. Based on the ancient Essene scrolls which were discovered last century, it is a handbook for peace. We are given the seven angel meditations which we can practise to create peace. A simple, daily meditation practice in which we can invite the angels into our lives for the purpose of peace. To learn more or order the book:

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