domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Say "No" Without Guilt by Julie A. Hawkins

Say "No" Without Guilt by Julie A. Hawkins

Say “No” Without Guilt Six Achievable Steps to Confidently Set and Communicate Boundaries Do you: • Struggle to say “no” without feeling bad or guilty? • Often say “yes,” regret it, and then beat yourself up about it? • See yourself as a people pleaser because you want everyone to be happy? • Think you have to have a good reason or legitimate excuse to say “no”? • Say “yes” because you don’t want to disappoint anyone if you say “no”? • Lack the right words to convey “no” so you give in? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then Say “No” Without Guilt, Six Achievable Steps to Confidently Set and Communicate Boundaries is for you! Julie compassionately and supportively guides you through her proprietary six-step system, an empowering journey to learn how to confidently set and communicate boundaries. Say “No” Without Guilt, Six Achievable Steps to Confidently Set and Communicate Boundaries is your passport to stop the negative feelings, self-sabotaging patterns, and develop a self-aware, confident, and empowered you! To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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