miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2020

Messages from Love by Connie Cord

Messages from Love by Connie Cord

We are all on individual journeys in life, walking our paths in our own way while teaching each other through our interconnectedness. Through this trajectory, we make choices that lead us to create an outcome that we hope is a life filled with happiness. Connie Cord, who is an avid truth-seeker on a constant spiritual quest, explores the concept that we are all directly connected to God while providing gentle reminders that love and forgiveness are the key ingredients to living a peaceful and joy-filled existence on Earth. While detailing her personal spiritual journey and awakening, Connie relies on inspiration from a thirteen-episode podcast she co-created with her niece to share beautiful, profound messages she believes are directly channeled through her connection with God. Each chapter builds on the next, providing truth-seekers with the opportunity to create a unique spiritual philosophy going forward that sparks an awakening within and inspires a new way of viewing life, love, and others around us. Messages from Love shares faith-filled insight from our Heavenly Father that encourages truth-seekers to begin an illuminating spiritual journey to create a philosophy and truth derived from the heart and soul. To learn more or order the book:
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