martes, 25 de agosto de 2020

ORBS: The Energy Around Us by Sandy Mayberry - 60 sec

ORBS: The Energy Around Us by Sandy Mayberry - 60 sec

The strange and beautiful story within ORBS: The Energy Around Us started with a family trip to the mystical vortex of Sedona, Arizona. One interesting vacation photo stirred my curiosity and heightened my awareness to the presence of the unknown. For me, this story started decades ago, and the proof is in the family photos that were uncovered in our attic just recently. As this journey unfolded, I realized the perfectly round dots of light and beautifully heart-shaped figures on my photos were not simply tricks of light but something much more meaningful and intentional. And for you, this story is also as old as the snapshots you have. Orbs – those living, responsive balls of light we can mostly see as circles on photographs – are all around us. They point us the way to go and remind us of what is always important. Orbs: The Energy Around Us is a book about mystery, discovery and awareness. It brings us together in community and reminds us of the unique place in the Universe that each of us holds. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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