martes, 27 de octubre de 2020

The Road to Gratitude by Melissa G Richardson

The Road to Gratitude by Melissa G Richardson

No one expects their world to implode. That’s what happened to author Melissa G. Richardson when she received a cancer diagnosis. In The Road to Gratitude, she details her life story that involves a familiar list of life and health struggles from a young age and into adulthood, including unforeseen heartaches and trauma that caused emotional blocks often resulting in pain, anxiety, and depression. Through the teachings of Anthony William (Medical Medium), nutrition, supplements, spiritual beliefs, and Donna Eden (Eden Method) energy medicine, Richardson breaks the negative cycles in her life, allowing her to heal body, mind, and spirit. She finds happiness, vibrancy, and gratitude during the journey. A guide for those looking to find their way to vibrant health, The Road to Gratitude includes step-by-step protocols Richardson followed that helped release her viruses, toxins, and heavy metals as well as her spiritual blocks and emotional traumas. Sharing the specific ways nutrition changed her life, she teaches how to use energy medicine to support good health and to heal physical, mental, and emotional bodies. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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