lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020

Call to Athena by Elle Cristal

Call to Athena by Elle Cristal

“Elle’s writing has a generous spirit that speaks to young people in a way that will impact in the development of their minds, souls, and self-esteem.” — Nick DeSimone Once upon a time thousands of years ago before the time of modern day superheroes such as Superman, Wonder-woman and Batman lived their ancient ancestors the god’s and goddesses of Ancient Greece. Also know as deity’s or Olympians. Athena, Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo and Artemis to name a few. Most of them lived high above the clouds in a glorious golden palace on Mount Olympus. They were honored and celebrated by the Greeks with beautiful sanctuaries and statues built in their honor. The Romans had similar deity’s but were called by their Roman names. Each of the Olympians or deity’s had their own domains & roles and where ruled by Zeus, the supreme deity or King of the gods. Though each deity possessed negative human qualities such as jealously, anger and shame. They each possess wonderful gifts and level of expertise. Come get inspired with us to read their tales and tips. Like them, we each have special gifts. A call to Athena is a call to discovering and celebrating your special gift and showing it with the world. Learn which deity you admire and share similar talents while you discover your own talents. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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