sábado, 15 de mayo de 2021

The New Science of Enlightenment by V. J. Fiorella

The New Science of Enlightenment by V. J. Fiorella

The fundamental purpose of the soul is to grow and expand, but if we all just keep growing and expanding without direction, the universe will continue to explode into greater chaos than it already has. Our unifying direction must be our own personal growth. We are capable of wielding powerful forces of light and guarding our galaxy against the forces of lower vibrations. To grow into this power, we must look within ourselves and cultivate love. The New Science of Enlightenment focuses on removing all that is in the way of becoming such a being of light and love. Using the Kundalini Karma System, it offers a modern-day approach to building an abundant, peaceful, and happy existence, helping you learn to navigate the world of spirit and matter simultaneously. You can attain your goals, understand the true meaning behind the events of your life, overcome the challenges that come your way, and triumph as you take control of your destiny. Become an enlightened and powerful being in the modern world and live a truly magical existence as a modern mystic on your road to God. This guide explores ways to harness the power of your Kundalini energy to get the life you want, allowing you to end the cycle of reincarnation and return to the mind of God. To learn more or order the book:
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