Turning Points by Shannon Shy
OCD has the power to destroy lives like a hurricane filled with tornadoes. While OCD turns households and relationships upside down and affects all involved, only the sufferer understands what the intense personal emotional, mental, and physical pain feels like. It is through this lens of personal experience, of living in the hell pit and then determining how to crawl out, that Shannon Shy offers his personal insight. In a comprehensive guide that provides peer support and a proven strategy for recovering from OCD, Shy relies on both his personal experiences and credentials as a certified peer recovery specialist to teach OCD sufferers how to summon the power and strength within to transform their perspective and get to a place where OCD does not adversely affect their lives. Through the included principles, exercises, practical tools, and real-life stories from those who have made significant strides in their own OCD recovery journey, Shy provides a roadmap of hope that shares valuable information about the growing discipline of peer support, insight into how to build a recovery foundation, his strategy to overcome OCD, motivation, encouragement, and tips for sufferers to self-motivate. Turning Points shares principles, tools, and insight from an OCD survivor to help sufferers of OCD choose recovery over fear and get better. To learn more or order the book:
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