jueves, 26 de agosto de 2021

The Branch Office by Michael DeForest

The Branch Office by Michael DeForest

Michael DeForest shares his memories of being a young sales rep in the 1980s and 1990s in this insightful and hilarious memoir. From the typical sales challenges of overcoming objections to sales calls that take strange turns, he somehow made it work during the Reaganomics era. He also highlights the crazy dating atmosphere that is typical in sales. The picture he paints is a no-holds-barred atmosphere where the only goal is to exceed targets. Work hard and play hard were the mottos he lived by … but the play hard part usually took priority. The era of decadence pushed the limits on how much DeForest and his fellow sales professionals could get away with while keeping their jobs. While they may have pushed the limits, they had great fun. Join the author as he looks back at what it was like to work, live, and breathe sales during the 1980s and 1990s. To learn more or order the book:
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