jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021

Before Her Time by Tracey Harris

Before Her Time by Tracey Harris

Julia was a young and beautiful woman in her early thirties. She had a successful career as a freelance journalist, was the mother of twin boys, and was adored by her ex-husband Will. Julia had her whole life ahead of her, but on one ordinary day just like any other, things changed in an instant. For no apparent reason, Julia took her own life. After Julia’s untimely death, Will returns home to his family for help raising the twins. He eventually meets Stacey, a successful career woman and coworker on a political campaign. Despite his grief, he falls in love and moves on with his life after losing Julia. Over time, however, Will’s tragic tale begins to morph into something suspicious. Julia’s family never believed she would leave her sons of her own accord—and maybe she didn’t. Fifteen years later, Julia speaks from the grave, and the truth unfolds in a story of intrigue and betrayal. To learn more or order the book:

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