martes, 30 de noviembre de 2021

23/11/21 Twin flames, or narcisist?, by Liliana Cabouli

23/11/21 Twin flames, or narcisist?, by Liliana Cabouli

Do you wonder you meet this amazing guy that fulfills all your needs. And is too good to be true?. Perhaps is not true. In this conference we will adress difference between twin flame process and narcisist. What is the difference bettwen the dark night of the soul and the discard of a narcisist. Dr Cabouli will explain in detail how you can differentiate a narcisist and your twin flame. Liliana Cabouli
Dr Cabouli has a Dr degree in psychology from USA. She has 30 years of experience. She won an award of Exelence in psychology. She is a book author and was a guess speaker in several tv and radio shows. Conferencist, Kabbalist and committed to spiritual growth and understanding of the twin flame process.Since a humpback whale stablished telepathic contact with her on the Namibian shoars, Mariví Simona has not stopped developing and investigating the capacity of talking to other living beings through telepathy finding the way to teach it and put it to service for anyone interested in going deeper into subtle interspecies connection. -----------------INFORMATION ABOUT MINDALIA----------------- and Mindalia TV are a Non Profit Organization
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