domingo, 17 de abril de 2022

Warning: STOP EATING These Foods To Prevent Disease & LIVE LONGER | Dr. Steven Gundry

Warning: STOP EATING These Foods To Prevent Disease & LIVE LONGER | Dr. Steven Gundry

My amazing and talented wife Lisa is releasing her new book Radical Confidence, which you can preorder - and get the bonuses she’s created for you - at When you read this book, Lisa will teach you 10 No-BS Life Lessons to become the hero of your own life and take MASSIVE bold action to achieve your potential! Are you feeling you are lacking motivation or are unsure how to achieve your goals? Then head on over to There you can register and get access to a free workshop. We’ve all had days where your energy seems to be missing. Often we look at the hours of missed sleep or sit in confusion with how it feels like we’ve slept enough hours. Dr. Steven Gundry is a cardiac surgeon that has been educating himself, his patients, and many others about why diet is key to restoring and improving energy levels. Everything you consume comes in contact with your microbiome and Dr. Gundry is simplifying why your gut health is critical to how your body is able to absorb what it needs and provide you with the energy you need to take on much bigger goals in life. The connection between gut health, energy, lifestyle, and how we age is one of the most important things you can dedicate time to understanding for your future self. SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction to Dr Steven Gundry
0:08 | Diet Tip to Improve Your Skin
8:30 | Lectins Found in Animal Meat
13:43 | Why Limit Animal Proteins
18:55 | Intermittent Fasting & Burning Fat
21:51 | What to Include in a Healthy Diet
24:17 | Fat Impact on Your Microbiome
31:33 | When Carnivore Diets Are Best
35:08 | What Passing Gas Signals to the Body
43:29 | Mitochondria Energy Process
46:48 | Leaky Brain, Alzheimers, and Cholesterol
52:00 | Fecal Microbial Transplant
57:59 | Microbiome, Gut Feelings and Autism
1:03:16 | Lifestyle & Diet For Aging Well QUOTES: “We have to realize that our chickens are no longer chickens, they're an ear of corn with feathers.” [12:58] “Believe it or not, in the American diet 24 hours a day, we're causing leaky gut, we're assaulting our immune system…” [26:37] “If we look at energy production, as literally cars moving down through a freeway, it's no wonder that even though we're eating huge amounts of calories, we have no energy…” [46:03] “Compared to women who don't exercise routinely, and in the women who are going to get Alzheimer's, it's 11 years later than if they didn't exercise.” [1:05:48] Follow Dr. Steven Gundry
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