jueves, 18 de agosto de 2022

DO THIS EVERYDAY To Slow Aging Down & Even REVERSE IT! | Ben Greenfield

DO THIS EVERYDAY To Slow Aging Down & Even REVERSE IT! | Ben Greenfield

Learn how to build IRONCLAD discipline in this free workshop:
https://impacttheory.krtra.com/t/fvTIUaysMqCp On Today's Episode: It’s obvious that what we put into our bodies has a major impact on how we feel, how we perform, and how we live the life we have. While some people choose to live in the moment for pleasure with little regard to consequences, others calculate and carefully consider what they consume, when they do and how they do it. Optimizing for physical and mental performances, reducing stress and improving lifespan and memory is worth more than a moment of pleasure, and it may be possible to biohack your way there. Ben Greenfield is a biohacker, fitness coach, endurance athlete, and bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including Boundless. His experiences and level of intention in biohacking his health is so clearly communicated, he will leave you inspired and impressed. Check out his other interviews and conversations with Tom here: Bio-hack Your Body, Connect to Your Spiritual Self: https://youtu.be/uHMSuxACy5g Optimize Your Body and Brain Right Now: https://youtu.be/M9AV-wrgW9w SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction to Ben Greenfield
0:27 | How to Live Forever
13:40 | The Exercise Sweet Spot
19:51 | Climb Your Own Everest
28:48 | A New Style of Parenting
34:04 | Responsible Micro-dosing
39:26 | Enhance Your Sex Life
47:53 | Know Your Purpose in Life QUOTES: Before you go after the ‘I want to live forever and have my head cryogenically frozen,’ [...] to instead go after this low hanging fruit, you can get outside barefoot…” [5:53] “Fast for a couple hours after exercise that also allows the body to have to fight its own battle.” [13:01] “More than 60 minutes of intense exercise, [...] you see a law of diminishing returns and increased risk of mortality.” [16:14] “I think everyone is born with a unique skill set. One of the best ways to know what your purpose is, what your passion is, is to think about what you enjoyed to do when you were young.” [24:06] “There are certain decisions that I think a child should be far more equipped to make young in life so that as they get older they are able to responsibly handle those decisions.” [30:04] “I am a Christian and I believe that God actually created a lot of these plants to allow him to be able to speak to us in a very deep and meaningful way when the time comes.” [36:12] “Everyone should be able to clearly and succinctly name their purpose in life.” [48:22] Follow Ben Greenfield:
Website: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bengreenfieldfitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/bengreenfield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bengreenfieldfitness/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BGFitness/ Podcast: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/
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