jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

How to Jumpstart Your Personal Growth with High Level Leadership | John Maxwell on Impact Theory

How to Jumpstart Your Personal Growth with High Level Leadership | John Maxwell on Impact Theory

This episode is sponsored by Skillshare. Click here to explore your creativity and get 2 free months of Premium Membership: https://skl.sh/impacttheory35 John Maxwell is the most widely recognized expert in the field of leadership. But his accomplishments did not come easy, and he experienced plenty of setbacks and failures along the way. On this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, John C. Maxwell explains why everyone has to go through adversity, and shows the best way to learn the most you can from experience. Specifically, he details the precise questions you should ask other leaders, describes the methods he uses to reflect on both hardships and successes, and explains exactly how you should go about having hard conversations with your peers and teammates. SHOW NOTES: Leadership is nothing more or less than influence [2:59]
John explains the power and value of connecting [3:39]
Everything rises and falls on leadership [5:06]
John discusses the extent to which leadership comes from your environment and mentors [6:29]
“I changed from a goal mindset to a growth mindset” [9:37]
We influence people by intentionally adding value to their lives [10:37]
John details strategies for learning leadership skills [14:05]
Before you lead people you have to find them [16:34]
John claims that character is mostly developed out of adversity [18:34]
John describes a U-turn leader [21:40]
John advocates that competence and skills come from years of practice [22:42]
John explains how he reflects and how he learns from experience [24:10]
John explains how he deals with the hard conversations [25:42]
What are the keys to developing leaders in your organization? [31:54]
John tells a fascinating story about how influence works in groups [37:38]
John then tells a great story about how to fail completely as a leader [41:31]
John shares the impact he wants to have on the world [43:31] QUOTES: “One is too small a number to achieve greatness.” [4:17]
“I stopped asking the question, “How long will it take?” And I started asking the question, “How far can I go?” And everything changed that day.” [9:20]
“The character of a person comes out of their failures, not out of their success.” [15:20]
“You can’t grow yourself if you don’t know yourself.” [19:20] FOLLOW: WEBSITE: https://johnmaxwell.com
INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/30SqXL1 FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/30SuBEW TWITTER: https://bit.ly/2Gj6mWM BOOKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: By John Maxwell:
“The Leader’s Greatest Return” https://amzn.to/3awosT4 “Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Make” https://amzn.to/2vd6LaY “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions” https://amzn.to/2Guzx9H

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