domingo, 23 de febrero de 2020

Slaughtered by KristaLyn A. Vetovich

Slaughtered by KristaLyn A. Vetovich

Anaya is a Firn, a spirit guide to living souls and guardian of the Divine Plan. After lifetimes of practice—not her own lifetimes, but those of the souls she stood beside—Anaya has finally caught the attention of the Powers-That-Be and is one of the most respected spirit guides in the afterlife realm of Lemayle. Anaya receives terrible news while trying to wrap things up with her most recent soul: the soon-to-be martyred John Williams. Her best friend and soul mate, Jordin, has deserted the Firns and joined the Aropfain, the direct enemies of the Firns and foils to the Divine Plan. Jordin wants to save John’s life, so Anaya now faces the moral struggle of opposing her best friend while making sure John dies according to Plan. In the cosmic battle of good and evil, Anaya is no longer sure on which side she belongs. She’s the spirit guide to an innocent martyr; Jordin is the demon trying to save a man’s life. Who’s the real villain here? To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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