miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2021

Passion to Thrive by Iris Angellys

Passion to Thrive by Iris Angellys

It's time to thrive! The Divine Feminine has been suppressed in the Western world for centuries. As a result of our disregard for her and Mother Earth, we now live in a time of impending global catastrophe. Business-as-usual is no longer an option. How can we respond to this situation? How can women reclaim the breadth and depth of our worth? How can we reclaim our unique way of being, experiencing, feeling and acting in the world, when until recently we’ve been restricted and constrained? In her book, Iris examines the archetypes that can guide us through difficult situations and circumstances back to our own magnificent selves and to the Divine Feminine. Each unique archetype has qualities to inspire you to approach old, gnarly problems and situations in new ways. Each archetype guides and empowers you to explore the different sides of your Self. Each one allows you to realise your strengths, talents and skills and what gives your life meaning, passion and purpose. Realise how to live the most fulfilling life imaginable. Offer up your unique gifts to the world, ones you may not realise you have! YOU matter! By living your life to its fullest potential, you can join the communal effort to better the world with ease and grace. “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Dalai Lama To learn more or order the book:

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The Seed Book