viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021

The Third Testament by Gurman

The Third Testament by Gurman

Whether so inclined or not, inherent in our foundational belief system are deep seated religious overtones which shapes our societal culture. This culture lays the framework for our values and all that we believe. Not only does our beliefs and values shapes our attitudes and guides our behavior, but it also influences our biology, as well as our emotive and spiritual states, not withstanding it determines the collective consciousness of a society Most of these concepts and beliefs that we have accepted and which govern our lives have been handed down to us unconsciously from generation to generation without question minus any objective reasoning. This is primarily so for fear of consequences, consequences which for the most part are unfounded. The Third Testament is designed to activate thought process, to initiate questions in the mind of the reader so as to deliberate on what you have been taught to accept for generations. We ask questions but seek answers that can only be assimilated within our present schema, hence facts don't determine what we believe, it is what we believe which determine what we accept as fact. The Third Testament presents information, ideas and concepts that forces us to challenge our beliefs and what we have been conditioned to accept for years. It forces us to think, and it's contents cannot be disregarded by any true diligent seeker. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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