The Pier End by Jane V King
The Pier End is a play designed for performance by a community of players. It was commissioned to allow a group of people to come together, to display their talents and to entertain. It is set at ‘the other end of the pier’, on the edge of a small town beset with troubles. It explores timeless, universal themes such as the power of love and family, but is firmly in the present to relate to the modern day concerns of the cast and audience. Song and dance can be incorporated based on the talent of the ensemble, and five original songs are included. The hero, Jack, is effectively ‘an orphan’, although both parents are still alive in unknown locations. Jack acts as a mentor and supporter in his community, but when he is on his own he has dark thoughts about his lack of kinship. He tries to fill the void by dating three girls simultaneously, and he dislikes himself for his faithlessness. The play has been likened to a 21st century version of a medieval mystery play, and has an upbeat rtesolution when he discovers that one of his ladies is carrying his child, His mother has also mananged to track him doen, so he is joyful at the end of the play The community unite in their concerns for their town and they celebrate resolution and a bright future. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:
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Libro La Semilla Un libro para recordar - Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
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The Seed Book