viernes, 25 de febrero de 2022

Are We Living In the MATRIX? This Scientist Might Have An Answer ONCE and For ALL | Donald Hoffman

Are We Living In the MATRIX? This Scientist Might Have An Answer ONCE and For ALL | Donald Hoffman

This episode is sponsored by BluBlox. Go to for 15% off your order or use discount code ImpactTheory at checkout. Experiencing the world as it is, isn’t really possible when you consider that reality is actually created by your brain’s perception of what is. Don Hoffman is a cognitive psychologist that argues that organisms develop their perception of the world directed towards fitness payoffs and not reality. Everything from our perception of reality is taken in through what Don would relate to a spacetime simulator that we are experiencing through a virtual reality headset. Just as Oculus creates an experience that can make you feel as though you are actually skydiving or on a roller coaster, so is the life we believe to be reality. Order Donald’s latest book, ‘The Case Against Reality: SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction Don Hoffman
0:38 | Perception of Reality
7:10 | Seeing a VR World
11:30 | Spacetime Simulator
14:09 | Fundamental Nature of Consciousness
19:54 | Headset of Spacetime
26:17 | What’s Next for Spacetime QUOTES: “You just think you're opening our eyes and seeing the truth. You're seeing a VR world that you're projecting out there in real-time.” [11:07] “Our free choices are not part of our conscious experiences. You can't directly experience your own free choices. You can experience that you chose, but you can never actually experience yourself choosing.” [18:56] “We're programmed by natural selection, to buy into the illusion that objects exist even when they're not perceived...” [23:31] “Most of what I've believed very deeply, has been very deeply wrong. Most of what humanity has believed very deeply has been very deeply wrong.” [26:35] Follow Don Hoffman
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