martes, 15 de febrero de 2022

OSHO: What Is the Purpose of Life?

OSHO: What Is the Purpose of Life?

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============================================ WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE?
"There is no purpose beyond life itself. The purpose is intrinsic. Life itself is so beautiful, so ecstatic, such a dance; but we don't know it, we don't live it. We go on postponing. We are always thinking tomorrow we will live, today we are occupied so much in other things, living can be postponed. And we go on postponing. We realize only when death comes that, 'My God, now there is no tomorrow.' " Source: The Last Testament, Vol 3 #2 © OSHO International Foundation © OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation #OSHO #OSHOtalks #Shorts
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