miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

Cool for School by Sheena Hendon

Cool for School by Sheena Hendon

All our children are different. Every child has a gorgeous individual emerging character with differing academic, learning, creative, and sports abilities as well as unique challenges to overcome. In Cool for School, Sheena Hendon addresses these issues in order to enable gifted, beautiful children to thrive as they enter the next stage of their lives and begin school. Hendon, a registered nutrition and naturopathy expert, shares insight gained through both personal and professional experiences to arm parents with the information and tools needed to prepare children to start school at optimal mental, emotional, and physical levels while providing natural solutions intended to bring balance back when needed. Parents will learn how to enroll their child in school; power up their child’s immune system; deal with common ailments such as constipation, allergies, and bedwetting; boost their child’s brain power through healthy eating habits; reduce digital toxicity; and assess and address various behavioral and emotional needs. Included are appendices and resources that include a healthy eating shopping list and helpful nutritional supplements. Cool for School is a valuable resource for any parent wishing to optimize their child’s health and wellness to ensure happy and successful first years in school. To learn more or order the book:
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