martes, 30 de junio de 2020

Why Aren't You Listening to Me? by Teresa Lodato, CPCC

Why Aren't You Listening to Me? by Teresa Lodato, CPCC

You are driven, focused and have a knack for getting things done… most of the time. When challenges arise, it is often because your communication style did not go over well with others. Your no-nonsense attitude and focus on tackling tasks doesn’t always resonate with your direct reports and colleagues. If this sounds familiar, then elevate your emotional intelligence and connect with your team! In this book, Teresa Lodato, an executive leadership and relationship coach, shares a roadmap to get people listening, taking positive action, and achieving extraordinary results. Learn how to: • increase your ability to perform the work you are here to do with less effort and more joy; • establish routines that nourish your body while decreasing stress; • increase your quality of life by healing your overstressed body and overthinking mind; • use the gifts you were born with to achieve greater results. Elevating your emotional intelligence is a surefire way to accomplish everything you need at work and in life, and leaves you feeling stronger and healthier in the process. Start reading now to achieve better results with less effort today! To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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The Seed Book