sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

You Are the Ultimate Magician by Alcyoné Sumila Starr

You Are the Ultimate Magician by Alcyoné Sumila Starr

The mythical Philosophers stone is said to transform base metals to gold when touched by it. So is with this book. Anyone touched by the energy of this book is bound to get transformed in unexpected pleasant ways. The text of the book are not made of dead words. They are alive with spiritual energy that can raise your vibration instantaneously. Every time you read it your frequency gets raised. Synchronicities and coincidences happen and your life will change for the better, if you allow it. Gladiator, our hero, a billionaire entrepreneur proclaims YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE MAGICIAN creating your so called reality literally out of thin air. He goes on to confirm anything is possible if you can believe it. In this book Gladiator with Princess, his beloved of eons, show step by step the process of - dreaming, then following the dream and then living the life of the dream. The process is so simple, easy and natural that every reader can practice it. To learn more or order the book:
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