domingo, 31 de enero de 2021

Blue-Collar Enlightenment by Mikal Shumate

Blue-Collar Enlightenment by Mikal Shumate

We all want love in our lives, to be happy, and to not endure struggles or suffer with our existence. Yet in order to transcend our normal state of existence, we must achieve a higher state of consciousness. But how? In a guide to attaining enlightenment specifically tailored for blue-collar workers, former construction professional and entrepreneur, Mikal Shumate, distills spiritual concepts into easy-to-understand language that will lead others through a roadmap to recognize stressors, change our perspective, and ultimately improve our state of being to experience life in the here and now while embracing the inner-peace, joy, love, abundance, and gratitude that follows this practice. Through his practical advice and wisdom, Shumate shares valuable insight into how to achieve and understand awakened consciousness, release burdens that no longer serve us, understand how the mind works, and effectively manage fears. Included is details of Shumate’s personal journey to enlightenment. Blue-Collar Enlightenment is a guide to attaining a happy, stress-free, peaceful, and abundant life through an awakened consciousness that invites a fresh perspective and the practice of embracing the present. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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