viernes, 29 de enero de 2021

Dying to Live by Monica Hards

Dying to Live by Monica Hards

What happens after we die? Where does our soul go? An experience that will never let you go. Encounters that are difficult to explain. How being a highly sensitive person has its’ challenges in life. Themes that deal with life and death, and the question of what comes next after we leave this planet. Based on her profound insight into these provocative questions, Monica Hards tells in her book “Dying to live” of her own out-of-body and near-death experiences, and much more. We shouldn’t let ourselves be controlled by our mind. Believing even in what we cannot see and grounding our energy when we feel fear, doubt or anxiety. Using an energy greater then guilt, pain, fear, anger, shame or unworthiness to be present in the moment. We might find it more exciting to be caught up in an abusive dynamic with someone than to say yes to love that is readily available and healthy for us. We are all connected to each other through a kaleidoscope of relationships. We need each other to survive and thrive, but independently and not co dependently. This book is designed to help you discover your soul’s real truth. To learn more or order the book:

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