sábado, 30 de enero de 2021

Sodium and Calcium in the ageing process and the ideal diet, by Elena Perea

Sodium and Calcium in the ageing process and the ideal diet, by Elena Perea

Explanation of how the accumulation of the macrominerals sodium and calcium can contribute to the ageing process and the development of the so called degenerative diseases such as arthrosis, osteoporosis, artheriosclerosis and so on. How to minimize or avoide these proccess of degeneration and ageing by changes in diet and lifestyle. This leads us to see how there is no ideal diet for humans, but there is ideal measures to be taken that are necessary for all diets and benefit most humans. Elena Perea
She finished her diploma in Nutritional Therapy with Plaskett Nutritional Medicine College in 2001 and has been working since as a nutritional therapist in Madrid and Latinoamérica, specializing in optimization of digestive and inmune system, and prevention and treatment of yeast infections and thyroid problems. In 2011 carried on with a diploma in Nutritional Medicine and since then several courses with the Institute of Functional Medicine in London: Gastrointestinal Health, Head to Toe and Applying Functional Medicine.
She is now the director of an the Instituto, which offers courses in Nutritional Medicine, Slimming Consultancy and Iridology. -----------------INFORMATION ABOUT MINDALIA-----------------
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