jueves, 7 de enero de 2021

Cosmic Alchemy, The Play of Time in Consciousness - Ep. 1 - Vibhbuti Series

Cosmic Alchemy, The Play of Time in Consciousness - Ep. 1 - Vibhbuti Series

Cosmic Alchemy, The Play of Time in Consciousness - Ep. 1 - Vibhbuti Series - Deepak Chopra & Eddie Stern Cosmic Alchemy, The Play of Time in Consciousness
Yoga for Enlightenment In this new series of Yoga for Enlightenment, Deepak and Eddie Stern discuss the first vibhuti; explaining the power of understanding and transcending time, and its continuous flow of present. Vibhuti #1: Time 3.16 Knowledge of the past and future can be derived through samyama on the three parinamas. The three parinamas are the essential attributes (dharma), defining characteristic (lakshana), and state as old and new at the same time (avastha). “Since there is intrinsic unity of all objects, all objects might change into anything else;” “Efficient cause is the real cause. Space, time, etc are only practical variations of the efficient cause.” If you understand the efficient cause, then you understand all sequences and all manifestation, past or future. Eddie Stern is a Yoga teacher, author, and lecturer from New York City. He has been practicing Yoga since 1987, and ran his school in SoHo from 1993-2019. In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s the school became a focal point for Ashtanga Yoga in New York with an eclectic mix of downtown artists and spiritual seekers practicing and meditating next to well-known personalities such as Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mike D, and Lou Reed, in what was also Manhattan’s first consecrated Ganesh Temple. Eddie has a passion for seeking out diversity in all aspects of his work and uses a multidisciplinary approach of combining technology, scientific research, and collaboration to help further understanding, education, and access to yoga. He continues to study philosophy, Sanskrit, ritual, science, and religion, as well as maintain a passion for the daily practice Yoga. https://eddiestern.com/

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