jueves, 14 de enero de 2021

Fundamentals: Ten Keys to RealityConversation with Deepak Chopra and Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek

Fundamentals: Ten Keys to RealityConversation with Deepak Chopra and Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek

Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality
Conversation with Deepak Chopra and Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek Dear Community, Thank you for viewing today’s insightful conversation with Dr. Frank Wilczek and Deepak. You invited to participate further by leaving your questions for Dr. Wilczek and Deepak in the comments box. Looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your participation. Warmly, The ChopraWell Frank Wilczek bio: Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. He has received many prizes for his work, including a Nobel Prize in Physics. Wilczek has made seminal contributions to fundamental particle physics, cosmology and the physics of materials. His current research focus includes Axions, Anyons, and Time Crystals. These are concepts in physics which he named and pioneered. Each has become a major focus of world-wide research. In recent years Frank has become fascinated with prospects for expanding perception through technology. He is developing hardware and software tools for this. He has authored several well-known books, and writes a monthly "Wilczek's Universe" feature for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “Fundamentals”, will be released in January 2021. Wilczek received a B.S. at the University of Chicago in 1970, and a PhD in physics at Princeton University in 1974. Currently he is the Herman Feshbach professor of physics at the MIT; Founding Director of the T. D. Lee Institute and Chief Scientist at Wilczek Quantum Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Distinguished Professor at Arizona State University; and Professor at Stockholm University. He has been married to Betsy Devine since 1973. They have two daughters, Amity and Mira. frankawilczek.com For further information, please read Dr. Wilczek’s book, Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality

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