viernes, 15 de enero de 2021

Lasseters Legacy by Steven Elliott - 30 sec

Lasseters Legacy by Steven Elliott - 30 sec

The Lasseter legend is well known in Australia, or at least it was when I was a younger man. The story goes that a man named Harrold Lasseter whilst journeying across the desert from Alice Springs to the west coast around 1900 reportedly discovered a fabulously rich reef of gold. Nothing was done about the discovery until many years later in the 1930’s when Lasseter mounted an expedition to relocate the fabulous reef, an expedition that resulted in his death and no reef. Since that time many people have ventured into the desert in search of the reef with no success. This book details a geologists quest for the reef and his own fabulous gold find which become embroiled in criminal conspiracy and action. Of course the hero geologist triumphs and a World class series of gold mines is established. It should however be noted that the author believes that Lasseters gold reef never existed. To learn more or order the book:

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