martes, 19 de enero de 2021

The Crystalline Planet by S. B. Andresen - 30 sec

The Crystalline Planet by S. B. Andresen - 30 sec

Sam and Christopher grew up together on the Earthen Moon Colony. Their fathers were best friends, so their sons were constant companions. Now grown up, Christopher is sent to a newly discovered planet on a secret mission, but communication from Christopher is long overdue. In an act of desperation, Sam now travels to find his best friend. Sam’s mission is to find Christopher, recover all information about this new planet’s Crystal Cavern, and return. The only evidence he has is a scan chip with a recorded message from Christopher that speaks of the enigmatic, spiritual inhabitants of seaside dwellings. In this recording, Christopher claims these people might be the key to finding the material he seeks. When Sam meets the people of this planet, he begins uncovering secrets the planet is hiding but also the secrets of his own father. With Christopher having vanished without a trace, Sam must know what his best friend found. Is Christopher now safely part of this planetary tribe, or is there something much more devious—and political—at play? To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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