jueves, 21 de enero de 2021

Wellbeing for Mothers by Mary North

Wellbeing for Mothers by Mary North

Mary North thought that she was living the life of a typical stay-at-home mum, devoting herself to raising her children, putting them first and herself last. But it wasn’t until her health took an unexpected downturn that she realised she had ignored her own needs for too long and she began to understand the importance of caring for herself as a mother. In Wellbeing for Mothers, she offers a look at her journey and presents topics that evoke reflection through discussion and practical exercises that are designed to guide you towards achieving wellbeing, respecting your body, feeling supported and accepting the fact that, as a mother, you matter. North presents a perspective on a host of topics including understanding time versus balance, practicing self-love, letting go, seeking relaxation, being present, prioritising without feeling guilty, and living your authentic life. North demonstrates how it is possible to navigate the challenges of being a mum whilst maintaining your own health and sanity. Welbeing for Mothers communicates the importance of taking care of yourself so that both you and your family can thrive. To learn more or order the book:

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