lunes, 22 de febrero de 2021

Becoming Soul by El Alma

Becoming Soul by El Alma

This story starts with the premise that we are not our bodies. We are our souls. Our consciousness live on when we leave the earth through death. It is only our body that decays and dies. We continue to develop our souls during each lifetime we visit the earth and then go back to being only consciousness. In choosing a new lifetime each soul knows there are natural earth stages we each must endure to develop new earth lessons. There are seven stages that we pass through to arrive back to this eternal sacredness of ourselves. In each of us lies a quest to find our own soul’s purpose, and to find our way home by becoming soul again through Silence, Hope, Suffering, Loss, Survival, Believe, Heaven. The story begins as a new Soul arrives on Earth to learn the lessons she has chosen for this lifetime. As a child she experiences her steps by her Silence; in her Hope; through her Suffering; in her Loss; and throughout her Survival of abandonment, abuse, loss and her withdrawal into her Soul. As a mother she experiences her steps of Silence, Hope, Suffering, Loss, and Survival as she comes to Believe her Soul, but she buries its profundity deep inside herself as she grieves the painful losses of her beloved ones. Throughout the story of Becoming Soul she Believes she not only heals her own grief but travels through time and heals generations of grieving in those she Believes walks her journey with her. She continues her own unique Seven Steps to Heaven by choosing to remain on Earth to guide others in their own journey through their Seven Steps to Heaven to Becoming Soul. ‘Beautifully written and the subject matter is unique. I feel like you have something wonderful here.’ James Van Praagh. Best-selling author, internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, and founder of the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts ‘A beautiful deeply moving and timeless story of relationships and love. It captures the readers’ imagination and you can become lost in your own story while reading it. It is hard to put down, you just want to know what happens next.’ Suellen Campbell, spiritual healer and teacher. Best of Health Australia Pty Ltd. To learn more or order the book:

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