miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2021

I See You by Brigit Stryder

I See You by Brigit Stryder

Brigit Stryder was sexually abused at age four and again at age twelve. This resulted in bedwetting, anxiety, and a disorder that caused her to pull out her eyelashes. She suffered these symptoms until her early teens, but she didn’t recognize it was the result of the sexual abuse until her early fifties. In I See You, she shares the raw account of how she struggled for years with her untold story of sexual abuse and her journey out of the cycle of feeling like a victim. Stryder provides honest and vulnerable details of her childhood story that many can identify with. She narrates how the journey back into herself gave her the tools to step off the trauma treadmill and bring her girl home. In this self-improvement book, Stryder tells how she harnesses the power of emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping and ritual as tools to support others’ individual process. I See You presents a refreshing and unique offering to help illuminate your conscious and unconscious wounds. It gives you a chance at a new beginning, one in which we can all join in an exodus from our pasts and the feelings of powerlessness that have trapped us as adults and children. To learn more or order the book:
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