domingo, 28 de febrero de 2021

Fresh Starts by Camille Leon

Fresh Starts by Camille Leon

Evolution is uncomfortable. Real change is messy. Yet whenever we are actively engaged in transforming our lives, our roots and connections will grow stronger and ultimately help us attain a more fulfilling existence. In a true story of transformation from darkness to light, holistic entrepreneur Camille Leon invites anyone seeking a better life and holistic professionals to take a journey within to begin the process of positive change. While intertwining her personal story and lessons learned with introspective questions and reflective exercises, Leon leads others through a roadmap to better understanding themselves, their desires, and their ideal life. Through her guidance, others will learn the value of exploring their options, doing new things, shunning perfectionism, taking leaps of faith, managing time better, and identifying role models. Fresh Starts is a holistic guide for anyone interested in setting out on an adventurous quest to transform their life through reflections, practical tools, and spiritual wisdom. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
Escritor Pedro J.
The Seed Book