viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021

Why You Need to Fight for Free Speech More Than Ever | Greg Lukianoff on Conversations With Tom

Why You Need to Fight for Free Speech More Than Ever | Greg Lukianoff on Conversations With Tom

This episode is sponsored by Pique Tea. Visit and get 5% off your first order. There is a powerful, yet destructive, movement occurring in the United States today that, while well-intentioned on the surface, may very well result in the end of free speech as we know it. On this episode of Conversations with Tom, New York Times best-selling author and President and CEO of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) Greg Lukianoff joins Tom Bilyeu to discuss such matters and more as they discuss the importance of protecting free speech today and why so many are blinded by the movement to destroy it. They discuss the controversial aspects of free speech in today’s world, the power of the documentary ‘Mighty Ira,’ why you should defend your enemy’s right to freely speak, why today’s generation has gravitated towards policing free speech, how colleges have changed over time, why children need to feel a sense of freedom when it comes to ideas and thought, the dangers of political correctness and woke culture, and much more. Order Greg’s book, ‘The Coddling of the American Mind’: SHOW NOTES: Journey | Greg reveals his journey to finding his passion for the first amendment. [0:12]
Discovery | Greg reveals how he came to become so intrigued by free speech. [4:58]
Controversial | Greg reveals why some aspects of today’s free speech are controversial. [11:52]
Mighty Ira | Greg discusses the incredible impact of the ‘Mighty Ira’ documentary. [12:46]
Defend Your Enemy | Greg reveals why it’s important to always fight for free speech. [16:43]
Boundaries | Greg reveals why losing free speech can be a slippery slope. [21:55]
Youth | Greg reveals how today’s younger generations approach free speech. [25:19]
Destruction | Greg reveals how today’s college students aim to destroy free speech. [31:00]
Social Media | Greg reveals how social media has influenced free speech. [34:08]
Meanness | Greg reveals how we should approach bullying and meanness. [39:19]
Children | Greg discusses why children need to learn how to deal with difficulties. [40:35]
Dangers | Greg reveals why he fears centralized authority. [44:25]
Benefits | Greg reveals the benefits of overcoming the pains of free speech. [47:32]
Empowerment | Greg reveals why people need to overcome their anxieties and fears. [50:38]
Triggered | Greg reveals why trigger warnings are detrimental to free speech. [57:56]
Rise | Greg reveals how we can encourage today’s generation to fight for free speech. [1:02:30]
Woke | Greg reveals how today’s woke culture is undermining upper education. [1:07:23]
Blinded | Greg reveals why so many are blinded to today’s war on free speech. [1:11:52]
Mindset | Greg reveals the power of having an open mindset to new possibilities. [1:19:37]
Imperfect | Greg reveals why we need to give up on the idea of a perfect society. [1:28:03]
The Future | Greg reveals where he thinks we’re heading as a society. [1:31:50]
Connect | Greg reveals how you can continue to follow him for me. [1:34:46] QUOTES: “One of the great innovations that have brought us so much good in the world is the strong distinction between speech and action.” [19:10] “The project of human knowledge is to know the world as it is, and that means that if you don’t know what people really think and why, you’ll never know — you’ll never understand…” [24:26] “Freedom is supposed to be scary or you’re not doing it right.” [47:25] “The true spirit of liberty is that which is not too sure that it is right.” [1:17:10] FOLLOW GREG:

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