viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

A Touch of Vertigo by Karinna Damgård

A Touch of Vertigo by Karinna Damgård

Everything you want is on the other side of your greatest fear. Although we are sometimes resistant, hard times, challenges, and difficulties help make us who we are. Like the transformative metamorphosis from black coal to diamond, only after extreme pressure, and the passing of time, do we see the result. It is up to us whether we focus on the pain or the result. Many self-help books will say that if we just ask for what we want, we will get it, but what if we never learned to ask for what we really want? In this book, author Karinna Damgård explores how learning from a young age not to trust intuition, not to ask for help for fear of being a burden, has held us back. How will you learn the grandness of truth, if you were always told a lie? How can you learn to empower yourself, if life always taught you the opposite? How can you learn to better yourself if you are always busy watching out for the next big earthquake? Interweaving personal experiences with her expertise as a clairvoyant, healer, mentor, spiritual advisor, and intuitive soul, Damgård seeks to guide others through an introspective and inspirational step-by-step process that encourages movement away from self-imposed fears and expectations and into a new phase of personal growth where we recognize our own beauty, light, divinity, and how we shine with help from God, even in a chaotic world. A Touch of Vertigo is a down-to-earth guide that leads positive change seekers down a thoughtful path of personal growth and spiritual transformation to address fears and move forward into a new beginning filled with divine miracles. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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