Learn How to Properly CARE for Yourself & Leverage It For an ENJOYABLE Life | Tom Bilyeu
This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Go to https://betterhelp.com/impact for 10% off your first month. BetterHelp is an online counseling company with the mission to make professional counseling accessible, affordable, and convenient. JOIN THE IMPACT THEORY DISCORD - http://ImpactTheory.com/Discord There you will get direct access to Tom and the Impact Theory team PLUS exclusive content, offers, and so much more. Jump in and get started on becoming legendary! This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Go to https://betterhelp.com/impact for 10% off your first month. BetterHelp is an online counseling company with the mission to make professional counseling accessible, affordable, and convenient. “If you don't have time to meditate for an hour everyday, you should meditate for two hours.” - Zen Proverb Think you don’t have time for self-care in stressful times? What if you’re not sure whether you should take a break or continue to grind it out? When it comes to the subject of self-care, people often have a lot of opinions - some of them make sense, while some of them don’t. In today’s episode of Impact Theory, I’ll be answering these questions (and more) around how to effectively implement self-care in your life. I’ll not only share what I believe to be the ultimate foundational self-care routine, I’ll also go into the reasons why you should be taking care of yourself in the first place, what to do if you have low self-esteem, and more. So whether you’re currently living an easy life or you’re in the middle of the most stressful week of your life, I hope you get value out of this episode and most importantly, I hope you use what you’ve learned to improve your own self-care routine. SHOW NOTES:
00:00 | Introduction
00:38 | How To View Self-Care As Essential To Success
04:40 | When To Refuel vs. Continue To Grind
08:48 | Lack of Self Love? Or Just Bad Prioritizing?
15:36 | Where To Start If You Have Low Self-Esteem
19:06 | Keeping Up With Self-Care During Stressful Times QUOTES:
“The reason that I work out, the reason that I prioritize sleep, the reason that I meditate - all of those things are because I know that that's what you need to do in order to cognitively optimize.” [01:55] “You can't, unfortunately, just tell yourself to love yourself. While it helps a little bit, it's maybe 5%. The other 95% is actually doing something that you think is worthy of respect, actually doing something that makes you feel that you have worth.” [10:19] “The whole point of life is to optimize for fulfillment and joy. And beating ourselves up, thinking ourselves worthless, do not move us towards that goal.” [11:40] “If you're doing that - working really hard to get exceptional at something that matters, that the world cares about and that you love, and then you contribute in a way that elevates you and other people - that's the game of fulfillment.” [18:26] “If you're doing that - working really hard to get exceptional at something that matters, that the world cares about and that you love, and then you contribute in a way that elevates you and other people - that's the game of fulfillment.” [18:26] “The whole idea is as you lower that stress and anxiety, you get into a calm and creative space where you can problem solve. And so that's the goal - we want to get into a place where we can begin problem solving.” [20:09]
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