domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2021

Get OVER Failure, Deal with DISAPPOINTMENT & Move Forward AGAIN | Tom Bilyeu

Get OVER Failure, Deal with DISAPPOINTMENT & Move Forward AGAIN | Tom Bilyeu

Ready to experience Christmas like never before? The 25 Days of Giving has begun!! Get in the full Holiday Spirit with daily experiences and all kinds of prizes. To participate pick up your Merry Modz ( on OpenSea and join in on the festivities today, you never know what surprises await you next! Learn more on our discord: Official rules: Are you feeling you are lacking motivation or are unsure how to achieve your goals? Then head on over to There you can register and get access to a free workshop. Experiencing the highest level of success also means experiencing as many failures as it takes to reach your goals. It may be uncomfortable, but making mistakes and failing is part of the game. Wallowing in the disappointment we can all feel after failing something, does not take you any closer to succeeding. Tom is sharing the perspective he’s developed and refined to become the entrepreneur that he is. Becoming capable of executing at elite levels of success comes with every failure and mistake you make along the way. Failure will teach you all that you need to know to succeed, but you have to be willing to make the mistakes without sitting in disappointment. “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure to failure, without a loss of enthusiasm.” - Winston Churchill SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction
0:30 | Failure & Disappointment
5:56 | Flexible Goals & Pathways
10:53 | Passionate Career
15:40 | Mistakes Teach Lessons
18:12 | Luck Requires Skill QUOTES: “Failure is not proof that you're a loser. Failure is the process by which you become better [...] when you fail, why would you beat yourself up over it? It's the nature of progress itself, there is no way to get better without failing.” [3:06] “Don't allow yourself to get bogged down in a path, which should be easily discarded, but don't give up easily on a mission, which should be far more firm.” [10:37] “If you want to achieve anything significant in your life, you have to understand that it's a game of attrition, [...] Most people quit. It isn't that the people that end up winning never fail. It's that they didn't quit when they failed.” [11:14]

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