How I Met My Guardian Angel by Robbie H. Andrews
Have you ever read a book that kept you turning the pages even though you were supposed to be out the door thirty minutes ago? Or been drawn in by a deceptively simple story that kept you deeply and totally engaged? Robbie H. Andrews provides that sort of easy, fast paced, and riveting read in his life story. He candidly reveals how he lost his faith and became fearful of the world in which we live. Beginning with his troubled youth in Ireland, immigrating to the United states of America. At the age of twenty-four, after reaching deepest depths of darkness he tried to end his life. This is the story of how a brave young man overcomes depression and suicide, and through the light of God, discovers his true purpose. Moving to America is a blessing in disguise; it takes all that darkness to find the most powerful light of all. Through love and light and strength and hope, Robbie is blessed with his greatest gift: the restoration of his faith in God and the tools to begin the healing process. Join the author as he shares a message of hope that will ignite or restore your faith in God, miracles, and the beauty of life. If you want the simplest truth in life: Meditate, Meditate, Meditate; Repeat! “Robbie H. Andrew’s enthusiasm for life is infectious. I find Robbie to be an inspiration and the fact that he’s now sharing his story with the world makes my heart sing!”
—Dr. Kyl Smith, Author of Brighter Mind and Inventor of “America’s Bestselling Brain Health Supplement” To learn more or order the book: Facebook:
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The Seed Book