sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2021

It's Not about You by Paul Smilde

It's Not about You by Paul Smilde

ARE YOU READY TO BECOME A WISE NEW LEADER? Our modern world is changing rapidly. New generations are emerging. They cannot and will not accept how organizations are run today. Trusted models have expired. It’s time to redefine leadership. How will you succeed in the Transformation Age? In this trailblazing book, business innovator and master coach Paul Smilde uncovers a surprising source of inspiration. In a personal and captivating way, he translates ancient wisdom into new leadership with lasting impact. Wise new leaders don’t care about perks and power. Instead, they frame the game for their team to thrive. In perfect balance, they channel their energy and guide their people to a state of flow. It’s NOT about You! Yet it’s ALL about your personal transformation. Reinvent your leadership with the Paradise Shaper method—the proven 3-step path intuitively followed by all successful leaders, sports heroes and top artists around the world. This is your chance to join their league! In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to: 1. Initiate—You Too Are a Caveman Return to your ‘factory settings’ and master your high-tech body 2. Transform—Consciousness? Awesome! Use your ‘quantum mind’ to attain what you truly aspire 3. Manifest—Paradise Shaper Leadership Free the innate motivation of your team and create stellar results Transform your leadership. Become a Paradise Shaper! To learn more or order the book:
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The Seed Book