martes, 7 de diciembre de 2021

Learn to LOVE Your SUFFERING & Live A Life of Meaning | Paul Bloom on Conversations with Tom

Learn to LOVE Your SUFFERING & Live A Life of Meaning | Paul Bloom on Conversations with Tom

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00:00 | Introduction - Paul Bloom
06:24 | Darwinism and Control Over Pain & Pleasure
13:24 | Meditation & Getting Outside of Yourself
24:00 | Mastery and Self-Control
28:18 | Against Empathy
29:59 | Meaning and Purpose
40:41 | Developing the Skill of Willpower
48:22 | Calibrating our Self-Esteem to the World Around Us
58:19 | Emotions, Depression, and Neurochemistry
1:09:28 | Nature, Nurture, and Morality
1:18:28 | Morality and Sexual Behavior QUOTES:
“I think we have a family of motivations. It includes happiness, which as you point out, can mean different things. It includes pleasure, it includes meaning (whatever that is), it includes morality, maybe it includes beauty, it includes truth. …and a good life is sort of trying to maximize and balance them as best as possible.” [03:20] “What it is to be a good person, for you and me, differs from what it would have been to be a good person 500 years ago, because we know more stuff now.” [07:47] “We're often in our heads, and it's uncomfortable. We're thinking about the future, we're mulling over the past, we're very conscious of our bodies, we're conscious of how we look, we're conscious of this voice in our heads, and sometimes sharp and sudden pain can bring us out of it.” [11:06] “Natural selection did not evolve us to have a good time. It evolved us to survive and reproduce… some degree of buzzing in your head is actually important. Not fun, but important.” [15:05] “Life isn't the kind of thing that has an intrinsic meaning. People can choose activities that are meaningful, because they meet certain criteria - some objective criteria - but [it’s] also subjective. What might be meaningful for you might not be for me, and vice versa.” [37:06] “An old-time shrink would say, “Oh, my God, you got to learn to love yourself.” But maybe the advice is, you got to learn to do something that would make your self-esteem more deserved.” [51:28] “Even six month old babies make moral judgments. You show them one-act plays where one person is helping another one and other ones are hindering another one… and they prefer the good guy.” [1:09:53] FOLLOW PAUL BLOOM:
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