Dream Job Discovery by Ken Steven
Ken Steven spent most of his career working in jobs he disliked, chasing opportunities for bigger paychecks to fund a better lifestyle he became too miserable to enjoy. He desperately wanted to find a job he could feel passionate about doing. Frustrated that the conventional passion discovery methods were fruitless for him, Steven spent sixteen years researching, developing, and testing a better way. The result was the DreamJob Type Indicator (DJTI), a career assessment specifically designed to identify the type of work that will bring you enjoyment and fulfillment. In Dream Job Discovery, he reveals finding your dream job is no longer just a dream. When you follow his revolutionary four-step process, you’ll eliminate the frustrating trial and error associated with more conventional methods of finding a job you love. By reading this book, you’ll: • better understand your personal values, a crucial first step if you want joy in your job—these are your DreamJob Truths;
• use the DJTI assessment to discover your passions even if you have no clue right now what your passions are—this is your DreamJob Type;
• identify your aptitudes, personality type, behavioral style, and natural talents—these are your DreamJob Traits;
• master how to leverage your Truths, Type, and Traits to land a job you’ll love—this is your DreamJob Transition;
• find out how to crush any obstacles standing in your way of escaping paycheck purgatory to earn a passion paycheck. To learn more or order the book:
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