viernes, 4 de marzo de 2022
A New Normal by Loralee Scobie
A New Normal by Loralee Scobie
This is one mother’s experience of learning to live again following the accidental death of her 24 year old daughter Sara. Bereaved mothers understand one another like nobody else possibly could. The writer shares what was helpful to her and what was not, for those who may not of lost a child but love someone who has. The writer shares journal entries from 3 years of writing to her deceased daughter. Though she didn’t realize it at the time, writing to her daughter in her journal was the beginning of Loralee finding her “new normal”. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:
Libro La Semilla
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Self-Help Book and Personal Growth
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Libro La Semilla Un libro para recordar - Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
escritor Pedro J. Pérez
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Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
Escritor Pedro J.
The Seed Book