jueves, 24 de marzo de 2022

So Long, Depression by Farnoosh Nouri, Ph.D.

So Long, Depression by Farnoosh Nouri, Ph.D.

Are you struggling to manage depression—even with antidepressants? Farnoosh (Faith) Nouri, Ph.D., a psychotherapist, researcher, educator, and speaker shares her journey of learning to manage depression and later helping others escape this debilitating condition. In this book, you’ll learn: • how to find hope when you’re hopeless;
• why even though you’re on antidepressants you’re still feeling depressed;
• how to change your mood fast without medication;
• how to think clearly and make sound decisions. Other topics include motivating yourself to accomplish tasks, tips on enriching relationships, lessons on boosting communication skills, and how to avoid feelings of hopelessness. If you are ready to do some work to discover your inner strength, overcome obstacles, and say goodbye to depression, then this book is for you! "Dr. Nouri’s remarkable work is a comprehensive treatment of depression that is also succinct and practical. … She lets us know that we matter and are never alone. This book is more than about depression. It is about personal growth."
—David M. McKeon, EdD, LPC, LMFT To learn more or order the book:
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